using gregn6Lib; using System; using System.Data; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace HL_FristAidPlatform_Public { /// /// GridppReport 的摘要说明。 /// public class GridppReportUtility { //public const string GetDatabaseConnectionString() = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\..\..\Data\Northwind.mdb"; //此函数用来注册Grid++Report,你必须在你的应用程序启动时调用此函数 //用你自己的序列号代替"AAAAAAA","AAAAAAA"是一个无效的序列号 public static void RegisterGridppReport() { GridppReport TempGridppReport = new GridppReport(); bool Succeeded = TempGridppReport.Register("AAAAAAA"); if (!Succeeded) System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Register Grid++Report Failed, Grid++Report will run in trial mode.", "Register" , System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } private struct MatchFieldPairType { public IGRField grField; public int MatchColumnIndex; } /// /// 将 DataReader 的数据转储到 Grid++Report 的数据集中 /// /// /// public static void FillRecordToReport(IGridppReport Report, IDataReader dr) { MatchFieldPairType[] MatchFieldPairs = new MatchFieldPairType[Math.Min(Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.Fields.Count, dr.FieldCount)]; //根据字段名称与列名称进行匹配,建立DataReader字段与Grid++Report记录集的字段之间的对应关系 int MatchFieldCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dr.FieldCount; ++i) { foreach (IGRField fld in Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.Fields) { if (String.Compare(fld.RunningDBField, dr.GetName(i), true) == 0) { MatchFieldPairs[MatchFieldCount].grField = fld; MatchFieldPairs[MatchFieldCount].MatchColumnIndex = i; ++MatchFieldCount; break; } } } // Loop through the contents of the OleDbDataReader object. // 将 DataReader 中的每一条记录转储到Grid++Report 的数据集中去 while (dr.Read()) { Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.Append(); for (int i = 0; i < MatchFieldCount; ++i) { if (!dr.IsDBNull(MatchFieldPairs[i].MatchColumnIndex)) MatchFieldPairs[i].grField.Value = dr.GetValue(MatchFieldPairs[i].MatchColumnIndex); } Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.Post(); } } /// /// 将 DataTable 的数据转储到 Grid++Report 的数据集中 /// /// /// public static void FillRecordToReport(IGridppReport Report, DataTable dt) { MatchFieldPairType[] MatchFieldPairs = new MatchFieldPairType[Math.Min(Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.Fields.Count, dt.Columns.Count)]; //根据字段名称与列名称进行匹配,建立DataReader字段与Grid++Report记录集的字段之间的对应关系 int MatchFieldCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; ++i) { foreach (IGRField fld in Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.Fields) { if (String.Compare(fld.Name, dt.Columns[i].ColumnName, true) == 0) { MatchFieldPairs[MatchFieldCount].grField = fld; MatchFieldPairs[MatchFieldCount].MatchColumnIndex = i; ++MatchFieldCount; break; } } } // 将 DataTable 中的每一条记录转储到 Grid++Report 的数据集中去 foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.Append(); for (int i = 0; i < MatchFieldCount; ++i) { if (!dr.IsNull(MatchFieldPairs[i].MatchColumnIndex)) MatchFieldPairs[i].grField.Value = dr[MatchFieldPairs[i].MatchColumnIndex]; } Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.Post(); } } public static uint RGBToOleColor(byte r, byte g, byte b) { return ((uint)b) * 256 * 256 + ((uint)g) * 256 + r; } public static uint ColorToOleColor(System.Drawing.Color val) { return RGBToOleColor(val.R, val.G, val.B); } public static string GetSampleRootPath() { string FileName = Application.StartupPath.ToLower(); int Index = FileName.LastIndexOf("samples"); FileName = FileName.Substring(0, Index); return FileName + @"samples\"; } /// /// 获取报表模板路径地址 /// /// public static string GetReportTemplatePath() { return GetSampleRootPath() + @"Reports\"; } /// /// 获取报表数据源地址 /// /// public static string GetReportDataPath() { return GetSampleRootPath() + @"Data\"; } /// /// 获取指定数据库 /// /// public static string GetReportDataPathFile() { return GetReportDataPath() + @"NorthWind.mdb"; } /// /// 判断当前运行进程是不是64位程序 /// /// public static bool Is64bitProcess() { //IsWow64Process //也可以直接用Environment.Is64BitProcess,不过需要DotNet4.0或以上版本。 return (IntPtr.Size == 8); } /// /// 获取数据库连接字符串 /// /// public static string GetDatabaseConnectionString() { //return "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + GetReportDataPathFile(); //Grid++Report的64位程序通过OLE DB连接Access与32位程序使用完全不同的数据驱动程序, //此数据驱动程序(AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe)没有跟随Windows系统自动安装,需要从 //微软官方网站下载并安装, //下载地址: //如果直接不能安装,要先将Ofiice卸载后再进行安装,驱动程序安装后,在重新安装Office。 return (Is64bitProcess() ? "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" : "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;") + "User ID=Admin;Data Source=" + GetReportDataPathFile(); } } }